Sunday, July 5, 2020

Six months ago (approximately) I set three major goals – both personal and business. Goals need a sell-by-date (a due date – a finish line). Since I love symbolic/thematic things, I chose the 4th of July as my due date – My Goal Completion Date. I knew that choosing this date would be pushing it since it was sooner that what was practical or really possible, but I thought the 4th of July would be a great inspiration for me. Independence Day! Fireworks! Celebration. 

For me goals (my dreams and aspirations) are mile markers on my journey. I am a big dreamer, but I am also a doer. I make things happen – especially seemingly impossible quests. I try to remember that it is the journey that is important. This weekend, as I did an evaluation of where I was with my 4th of July Goals, I got to thinking about dreams, goals, dream achievement and the journey we are all on. 

What stops us from achieving our dreams and desires? 

Vision. You have to paint a very vivid picture of what your goal and dream is and what it means to you. This is so important. Paint is as strong as you can. If you do it right, if you get good at painting dream pictures, they will make it seem like you already have the desired goal/dream. See yourself succeeding. Paint a vivid picture. 

Lack of initial action. Some of us never start. We don’t take any initial action. BTW, some people don’t start because they are influenced by Dream Stealers in their family and/or circle of friends. Stay away from Dream Stealers. 

Stopping too soon – Giving up. People become discouraged and quit. They start and then they quit. They just give up. Many quit just as they were ready to succeed. Getting Starting is the key. Even taking a symbolic action. Making a call. Setting the date. 

Dream Achievement requires work. For me this means real work, homework, research and a lot of thinking and then doing. Some people don’t do the real work necessary for real achievement. 

Keep in mind...  The Journey is more important than any one of your goals. The journey is everything...

Record your progress. Find the best way for you to record your progress. Make a journal, use video or simply make some notes every day. Track your journey. 

Risk. Hey… let me say here that risk is okay. It may even give you extra strength. For me risk fuels my excitement and helps me achieve my goals. But real risk stops most people. They end up doing the same life, over and over. Why accept the status quo? Don’t let risk stop you. Blast through it! Use risk like a martial artist uses the force of his opponent against that same opponent. Risk can fortify you if you feel the risk and then use it to transcend.

Transcendence. You have to be able to transcend. You have to learn to become more than you are. This is not easy, but I truly believe it is one of the reasons we exist in this life. Life is a test. You can become more than you are. The sum of your parts can be more than your whole. 

Patience. You have to have patience. It takes time to achieve your dreams. This is where many people get mixed up. There is a difference between having patience with your process and not starting at all. Worthy dreams and goals take time.  You will get discouraged. 

Focus. Develop a razor-sharp focus and let nothing sway you from that focus. Meditation helps me. So does physical exercise. 

Roadblocks. Remember it is not what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you that will matter in the short and the long run. You’ll find all kinds of obstacles that are placed in between you and your dream/goal. Use these roadblocks to your advantage whenever possible. When something bad happens, look for the good. When God closes a door, he/she opens a window. Always look for the good. If you do you will find it. 

Small or Big Failures. You’ll make mistakes… some of them will be painful. You cannot let this stop you. No one makes the right decisions all the time. No one is perfect. When you are trying to achieve something big, you will mess up. You’ll get down. You’ll get depressed (for a short time). This is where you need the passion of your dreams to pull you out of the dumps of despair. That passion will drive you past your mistakes. Mistakes are okay! 

Fear. You have to be fearless but realize that you will get scared sometimes. You will feel fear. That’s okay. Fear is a natural part of the human condition. Everyone gets scared. When I feel fear during a Dream Achievement, I try to blast through it. I feel the fear and walk or move through it. Always run towards the fear and defeat it. 

There are real fears and fake fears. Real fear alerts you to dangers within your quest. You must be alert for these. Listen to them. For me, they manifest as vague feelings of uneasiness. Then I realize that something is out there that I need to take care of, so I take care if it. The fear vanishes when I take action.  

Occasionally the fear is overwhelming and turns into a crisis. Everything seems to go wrong. It’s like the Universe is singling me out personally. Roadblocks, mistakes, dream stealers, the outside world, mistakes (both earned and unearned) all contribute to a crisis. 

Crisis. When a crisis occurs. I do three things. I cocoon. I stop all but essential tasks and hibernate for a while. This gives me time to calm down in a safe way. I gather my allies. Allies are the go-to people in my life. I reach out to one or two of them. The third thing I do is to watch movies! Movies are my life and my profession. I have my favorite fear-busting crisis/panic movies. These are inspirational Hero movies (the Hero always wins!) that remind me that my impossible dreams are indeed possible. I will success. I am the hero!

Finally, I take Action. I resume my quest. I move forward. I accept the position that I am currently in/at during my quest and then move forward. I go after it again. I make changes to my method and actions but not to my ultimate goal. I do not accept failure. I may lose battles, take casualties, feel alone, etc. but I always move forward. Always. 

Allies. Build your team and allies. Help others on the journey to you your dream/goal. If you help enough other people with their goals, you will achieve yours. You will find that the right people will appear into your life when you need them. Be grateful. Help others. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also… Ask God and the Universe for help. To me they are one and the same.

Meditation and Prayer. For a long time, I resisted real prayer and meditation. I can’t say why exactly. I can tell you that they both help. 

Plateauing. Sometimes (much of the time) you may feel like you are going nowhere. You seem to be doing everything right but there seems like little progress is happening. This is common. It is part of any major goal achievement. It is also the reason that many people get discouraged and quit. Worthy goals are hard! Trust me, there are going to be many hours, days and weeks where you just don’t seem to see any progress. When this happens, take some time and look at your record book. Recall you’ll want to record your action steps, work and your progress. Take a few minutes and review what you have been doing. You won’t see changes every day or even every week or month. Some of my goals have taken years and years. Others take a lifetime or several lifetimes. That’s why you have to take time and smell the roses. Appreciate your victories. Never accept defeat. Failure is not an option but it happens along the way. 

Victories, Celebrations & Rewards. Take time to celebrate your small on-the-road victories and plan your rewards! This is very important and fun to do. 

...Write down your goals and dreams today. Even if you don’t know the steps...

So (if you are still reading) for my 4th of July Dreams/Goals… I didn’t make any of them!

I did make progress. Here are my current results. 

Goal/Dream Number 1 - I am making good progress on. I have done a lot of real work and have made significant changes. I am adding new actions to increase the achievement. 

Goal/Dream Number 2 - I would have to say I am making great progress on this one too. It is more difficult – really difficult. 

Goal/Dream Number 3 - Well this one… I fell flat on my face. I had a major failure.  I have taken time to consider what I can change and/or do better on this goal. This is the most difficult of my three goals. I am not sure what to do next but that is okay. Things have a way of working out. 

So today, July 5th… I move forward. I take action. I have set new goal dates! I have reminded myself of why my goals/dreams are important. Only two things to do now. Watch a movie and Move Forward! 

The Journey. Keep in mind...  The Journey is more important than any one of your goals. The journey is everything. I think of it as a very long train with various cars attached. I keep add cars (goals) and getting rid of luggage (baggage that I don’t need to carry with me on my trip – pun intended). The journey is what is important. 

Balance and Mindfulness. All things in moderation… right? I do good with balance but mindfulness is harder for me. Being aware…

My biggest advice on dream and goal achievement is this. Write down your goals and dreams today. Even if you don’t know the steps – the action steps. Write down the goal. Give yourself an achievement date. Then take actions.

Steps for Goal Setting. 

Write down the Goal/Dream. 
Set the achievement date. 
Write down the action steps. 
Take action. 

Enjoy the journey. 

That’s it for today. 

May the FORCE be with YOU!

Robert Hanley
President & Founder
Home Video Studio

Copyright 2020 Robert Hanley

Home Video Studio
Serious Income - Fun Business!
27 Profit Centers You Can Run From Home.

317-358-5932 or 866-714-1956.

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