We're proud to announce that Entrepreneur Magazine has selected Home Video Studio as the Number One Video and Photography franchise in the United States once again. Thank you Entrepreneur!
Want to build a successful video production services business and make a living shooting and editing video? Ever wondered how to make money with Video? Making Money With Video explores the wide, wide, wonderful world of producing, shooting, directing and editing video, film, pictures, sound, images, music as a business. Producer/Director/Editor Robert Hanley, shares over thirty years of production experience and focuses on how to make money! Thanks for tuning in!
There's a certain energy resident in a successful Home Video Studio owner. It's a force that puts things in motion. It's a contagious attitude that makes others want to be around it. It's a passion that overcomes daily challenges. Darrell Day, our August Studio Owner of the Month, is a great example of that energy.
“When I considered becoming a studio owner I had two rather large obstacles that loomed in front of me,” say Day. “The first was that I didn't really have any money labeled 'Start Business Money' and the second was I could barely cut and paste on my computer – so the thought of all the technical requirements demanded to do video work was daunting. Despite that, I knew I wanted to be a studio owner and I thought I'd be pretty good at it.”
So Darrell took action. He decided to use some of his 401K money to fund his enterprise - and he figured his technical skills would have to come as he needed them. On March fourteenth of this year Darrell opened his storefront Home Video Studio in Greenwood, Indiana.
While many of our owners come to Home Video Studio from a technical background or a sales background Darrell's path to our family took a little different route. Darrell loves to sing. In fact, he loves to sing so much that, after earning his Bachelor's degree in Music from Eastern Kentucky University, his exuberance put him in Europe performing opera and then singing with an opera company in Miami. “What good are passions,” says Darrell, “if you don't take action?”
Darrell eventually returned to the Midwest, got his Master's Degree from Butler University and was a choral director for fifteen years. It was at this time that he met Robert Hanley when Darrel brought in a tape of a musical he directed, to get copies made. “I was taken by the video business and what a valuable service it provided. I just wanted to be around it,” says Day. As his manner is, Darrell began to pitch in and help out where and when he could.
Soon his energy and heart to serve landed him a full-time position as HVS Director of Studio Services. There he was involved in franchise sales and the servicing of existing franchises. “I am a people person and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting new prospects and attending to their needs and concerns,“ says Day, “but I really liked servicing our existing studios as well. Our support staff is top notch and it was a joy to be able to be a part of helping the studio owners realize their goals.”
In fact Darrell was so impressed with the operation he was a part of that he started thinking about being a studio owner himself. “I saw the wide variety of wonderful products and services we offer and I thought, 'I'm creative. I'm detail oriented, I like making people happy. I should be a studio owner' More than that, I felt an urge to put all my skills together and really take control of my life,” says Darrell.
Is it working out? Yes! Not only is Darrell well on his way to his financial goals but he was recently honored at the 11th Annual Hanley Awards in Las Vegas, NV where he received the Rising Star Award. And remember his technical concerns? Well, Darrell also won a creative award for Best Use of Home Movie Transfer. Seems like Darrell's energy and passion are indeed keeping things in motion.
“Well, I certainly haven't arrived,” says Day, “I have so much to learn and do. But right now I'm swamped. I'm looking around at close to twenty-five projects in one stage of progress or another – and I love it. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be an integral part of people's lives and also to have a say-so in my own.”
It is my pleasure to announce and congratulate Dan Weiniger of Westfield, NJ on being named Home Video Studio Rookie of the Year for 2011. Dan joined Home Video Studio in July of last year and was honored Saturday night July 23 at the 11th Annual Hanley Awards at the Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dan also took home the Hanley for Best Vehicle Wrap and Dr. Strangelove. Dan was presented with the Social Media Award as well. Dan is now in his second year as an owner. Congratulations Dan!
Peter and Sharon Galluzzo are Home Video Studio owners in Apex, NC and they did extremely well last month working from their home in a business that they love. Peter and Sharon left the rat race.
Peter and Sharon opened their studio in June of 2008 with a goal of Peter devoting himself full-time as soon as possible. After straddling a full time career and their studio for a little over two years Peter and Sharon decided to make the jump to full time in October of last year. Peter left the comfort of his six-figure nine-to-five corporate computer/IT job to go full time as a Home Video Studio Owner. Seems like it's paying off.
Peter and Sharon share a formula that works well for many of our studio owners. Peter, with a computer and IT background, became interested in video as an AV volunteer at his church. Sharon is well-versed in public relations and fundraising. Together they make a great team able to handle both the marketing and technical aspects of the business and they can do it all from home, staying close to their two daughters.
Peter and Sharon came to a Show ‘N Tell Discovery day and made a decision that changed and enriched their lives. What about you?
Are you happy but not really satisfied? Does your heart of hearts tell you to go for it? Are golden handcuffs keeping you chained to a desk? We all have choices. You have choices. Ask the Galluzzos about their choice.
Call me, Robert Hanley 866-714-1956. I will be happy to discuss Home Video Studio with you.
P.S. Still time to join us in Las Vegas for our Show ‘N Tell Discovery Day at Getaway 11! Meet Peter and Sharon in person! Talk to other owners. Join us at the 11th Annual Hanley Awards Gala Celebration Dinner.
May the Force be with you!
Twenty years ago on June 14, 1991, my wife and I made a decision to focus on two things – making money and doing something we loved. We had two young children, a passion for building our own business and quite simply working for someone else was no longer an option for me. We decided to roll the dice and take a chance.
Flash Forward Twenty years and Home Video Studio - that business we started in the upstairs spare bedroom of our suburban home is now the number one video services franchise in the United States. Home Video Studio has sixty-nine studios in three countries: The United States, Canada and Sweden. Eight of those are retail locations (Studio Stores). It’s a wonderful business!
As our way of saying THANK-YOU, We are doing something we have never done before – offering 10% off of any studio sold on or before July 2 (our next Show 'N Tell Saturday) This is a huge savings of $5180.00! We hope you will take advantage of this money saving offer.
If you’ve ever wanted to start your own business, be creative, do something you love, stay home with the family, leave the rat race, and run your own business – your own Home Video Studio then this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you and a once in twenty year offer from us. We would love to have you join the Home Video Studio Family.
Our 20th ANNIVERSARY THANK-YOU OFFER of $5150.00 off of any Home Video Studio sold in June has had a ton of response. Hurry! This promotion ends with our Show ‘N Tell Saturday on July 1st and 2nd. Call today. We can discuss your next steps. Call 317-358-5932 or 866-714-1956.
Dan, like many of our studio owners, came to Home Video Studio by way of his love for photography and video as a hobby while working in a different field. Although he grew up in New Jersey Weiniger got a degree in finance from Arizona State University and soon found himself owning a seat in the bustling environs of Wall Street and later on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. How cool is that? Just like the movie Trading Places!
“It was cool,” says Weiniger, “but it was very hectic and, like any other business, a trend started where smaller margins and larger operating costs were making it harder for me to squeeze out a profit and I began to wonder if it was worth it for me.”
Dan’s natural entrepreneurial instincts kicked in another cool direction – literally – and he decided to own and operate a couple of ice cream stores is Florida. But alas, Dan’s financial muse called him back to the business of selling for Northwestern Mutual Life.
Soon after Dan met his wife Jan and they found themselves back in New Jersey and, after the adoption of their daughter, Dan settled in to be a stay-at-home dad and enjoy his family.
As life sometimes goes, however, there was a curve in the plan. Dan found out that he had congestive heart failure and had suffered a heart attack without even knowing it. Upon recovery he made the decision that there would be a few changes in his life. His abiding love of video and photography caused him to enroll in a class in visual communications.
It was in this class that Dan met Pete Gallo, who was in the video services business, was enjoying it and was making good money at home. Pete, one of our very successful studio owners, told Dan about Home Video Studio and soon Dan was on the road to studio ownership.
“I went to Show-N-Tell feeling good about this business,” says Weiniger. “I got a good vibe from Robert’s humility and from the energy of the studio owners that I talked to.”
Dan is now in his eighth month as an owner. His daily diligence, his creativity, his customer service skills, his drive and his sales skills all fuel the stuff that make for a good Home Video Studio owner.
“I like running a successful business and I like being home with my family,” says Weiniger, “that’s why this is a perfect fit for me!”Five months ago Darrell Day was happy but not content. He was talented but not fulfilled even though he worked at the second happiest place on earth. (Home Video Studio headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana). Darrell Day was a long-time associate with Home Video Studio, most recently serving as the Director of Studio Services for the company. Darrell also holds a Masters degree in Music Education with an emphasis on voice and composition and is an accomplished pianist and brass player as well. Still five months ago in mid-December Darrell was uneasy - and it was not because of holiday stress.
Like many Americans a question gnawed at him. The gnawing was relentless as was his search for the answer. This question that kept running through his head - when he woke up, during the day and when his head hit the pillow – was, “Is this all there is?” This was the question. Home Video Studio was Darrell’s answer.
Darrell told me about his interest in Home Video Studio on December 15th, 2010 and less than ten weeks later he opened his new Home Video Studio. Along the way we helped Darrell convert his 401k (without penalty) to fund his studio. You might say that his 401k paved his way! Today he is smiling all the way to the bank, as is evident in these pictures I snapped today.
Darrell’s love for his Home Video Studio centers around the wide variety of wonderful products and services we offer. An extremely creative, very detail oriented, and customer service intentional person, Darrell is finally in his element applying the skills that make for a successful Home Video Studio owner. Has the decision to change done Darrell good? Indeed it has. Darrell liked it so much he decided to make another big change in his life. In June of 2011 he will marry Tanya, the true love of his life.
Does the same question gnaw at you sometimes? Are you happy but not content? Are you comfortable but not all you can be? Are all of your skills tested every day? Do you get paid enough for your expertise and abilities? Maybe it’s time to search for an answer.
Three ways to begin your search with Home Video Studio: 1) Attend our next Show ‘N Tell Webinar (Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.), 2) Request an information packet or 3) Call me. I’m Robert Hanley. Let’s chat. Call anytime: 866-714-1956.
One of the best reasons to own a franchise is because you are investing in a proven system. That’s S.Y.S.T.E.M. – as in “Save Your Self Time Energy Money.” David Gardner, Home Video Studio Ottawa, Ontario found that out when he made the choice to invest in Home Video Studio. In his first year as a studio owner he garnered triple the earnings he made being in business by himself. Now, halfway through his second year, he is on track to double his first year. David is our Home Video Studio March Owner of the Month.
David, like many of our owners, spent the first part of his career in the corporate high-tech industry. As a design engineer Gardner worked with such things as lasers, fiber optics and document reading devices. Then came a blow that’s all too common these days. After twenty years in the industry he was laid off. After finding a similar position in the industry he was laid off from that too. It didn’t take long for David to realize that it was a new world out there!
“I was getting tired of the roller coaster.” says Gardner, “I was finding myself going to twelve or thirteen interviews for a job I wasn’t sure I wanted anymore.” As things often work out David saw an opportunity open up.
“I went to a friend whose hobby was video production. I wanted to make a montage for my wife’s birthday, and when I saw the equipment, the software and of course the emotional final product I got excited and wondered if a guy could make a business out of this.”
Gardner did make a business out of it, buying equipment and self-training. He began to pick up clients like dance studios, weddings and corporate promos. Still the sporadic nature of the business and the failure to get the prices he needed kept him from really moving his business ahead. Yet another roller coaster.
Video Studio website and recalled ads he had seen in past years in Video Maker magazine for Home Video Studio. With encouragement from his wife to get things happening with his business, he decided it was now or never and began the steps of looking into a franchise. Soon David was on board with no intentions of looking back.
“There are many things I like about Home Video Studio that I never would have thought of – or didn’t have the resources to do – on my own.” says Gardner. “The website stands out. The tracking system they provide keeps my productivity up and my panic level down. The constant training I receive is the best. My interaction with other owners allows me to get tips I would have never gotten otherwise. And just the camaraderie - it’s fantastic!”
Being in business for yourself – but not by yourself. That’s the Home Video Studio way. And it seems to be a way that suits David Gardner, Home Video Studio’s March Studio Owner of the Month.
Robert's Note: David Gardner is our Studio Owner of the Month for 2010-11. As such, David was our keynote speaker at this year's Advanced Training. See David's keynote, speech click here.
Alan and Kim Fon of Port Aransas, Texas celebrated the Grand Opening of their HVS Studio Store last week (March 24th). I flew into Corpus Christi to attend their grand opening and what an opening it was! Nearly 200 people attended. It was a spectacular event! I snapped this picture at the end of the evening. Alan and Kim worked for Dell for years and then decided to start their own business. We’re glad they found Home Video Studio and I think, judging from the huge smiles on their faces, they are pretty happy as well. Want to take a virtual tour of Alan and Kim's HVS Studio Store? Click here.
Let’s discuss your new studio. It could be in your home or in a strip mall like Alan and Kim’s. Call me today: 866-714-1956. Let’s chat.
May the Force be with you!
The American Dream: Wealth, Health, Opportunity, Choice and Control; one thing that we all dream of is the freedom to march to our own drummer and to have some control in our lives. Joel and Jennifer Miller of Aberdeen, New Jersey, our March Studio Owners of the Month, believe in that dream. They took action to make that dream happen for themselves and now they march to the beat of their own drum.
Joel Miller graduated from film school in 1985.He became a film editor for a production company in Manhattan that produced, among other things, films of the Olympics. Gradually Joel moved into the corporate life and became a sales executive for fine art photography. Jennifer ran the office of a large corporation. They settled down in suburban New Jersey.
“It was a great lifestyle,” says Joel, “but it still wasn’t what we wanted. I enjoyed working in New York on cool projects and making pretty good money – but we wanted to work for ourselves. Plus, I was spending up to four hours a day just commuting!” Not exactly conducive to the quality family time that Joel and Jennifer treasure with their two children. So they began looking for opportunities.
They found an opportunity at a franchise expo in the Meadowlands in New Jersey when they came across Home Video Studio. “It was what I was looking for,” says Joel. It was a package, a system where I didn’t have to reinvent the wheel to get started.” On October 1, 2010 Joel and Jennifer opened their franchise in Watertown, NJ and have been steadily building their business ever since. As a matter of fact in February they were in the top five sales three out of four weeks!
With Jennifer’s obvious administration skills and work ethic, combined with Joel’s video chops and salesmanship the Miller’s future as entrepreneurs looks bright. “We believe we can really grow a great profitable business,” says Joel. Their next goal is to have a storefront studio.
Do Joel and Jennifer feel they are on the path of the American Dream? “Every sale made, every project successfully completed is a small victory for us – and it’s OUR victory. That’s the best thing.”
Congratulations to Joel and Jennifer Miller, March’s HVS Studio Owners of the Month.
What about YOU? Cutting the “Golden Handcuffs” of corporate life is not always easy but why do you march to the beat of someone else’s dream? Why do you continue to take work home on the weekends? In fact, are the weekends the only time you have to see your kids or to spend quality time with your spouse? What about time for odd jobs around the house, hobbies, sports, a round of golf? Home Video Studio can be the solution to your situation and the answer to your dreams. Contact us today and we’ll find a way to to give you a shot at your American Dream.
Call 866-714-1956. Let’s chat!
May the Force be with you!
"The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own."
This wisdom provides a great outlook and, according to Pete Gallo, a necessary way to live if you’re in business for yourself. Perhaps this is why Pete, a former Studio Owner of the Year, is Home Video Studio’s January Studio Owner of the Month.
“There are many things I like as a business owner,” says Pete, who operates his studio in Hasbrouck Heights NJ, “but the most satisfying is the feeling of self determination and empowerment. When things are up I take pride. Conversely, when things are a little down I take responsibility and action to get them right.”
Gallo, who started his career as an Electrical Engineer, found himself in a precarious position a little over six years ago when he was laid off from his corporate job. Video was a hobby of his and this unexpected circumstance helped him decide it was time to turn it into a profession.
“I knew I wanted to do video for a living, but I had natural concerns about starting from scratch and going it alone,” says Pete. Ironically (or not) he became aware of Home Video Studio and found it was a fit. “It seemed like the perfect foundation because I would be involved with people who had been there before.”
Quick to act Pete attended a Show-N-Tell Saturday Discovery Day, liked what he saw and heard, and became a studio owner. Now Pete has four employees involved with him on a part time basis and many happy clients. Whether it’s Video Transfers, Film Transfer, Video Shooting and Production or any of the other Home Video Studio profit centers he enjoys the diversity and mix of services he offers. His expertise is also on display as a recipient of several Hanley Awards including Best Short Video and Best CD/DVD Label and Imprint.
One award of note that adorns Pete’s studio is the Relationship Mindset Award. The logical and technical world of software and machinery comes easy for Pete, but he is quick to say that a genuine desire to help people is what makes him successful.
Taking control, assuming responsibility and running to serve. Three ingredients that keep Pete Gallo at the top among his peers and make us proud to call him January Studio Owner of the Month.
Today I went to one of my favorite places on earth – The Apple Store! And even though I love my Apple store, this blog entry is not about The Apple Store but rather who I went there with and why: Darrell Day, our former Director of Video Services for Home Video Studio. I say former because after eight years of being associated with HVS and the last two being spent as our Director of Studio Services, Darrell has decided to open his own Home Video Studio.
Darrel worked out of our Flagship Home Video Studio (in my home) in Indianapolis for two years. His office was right by the door that our customers come through. Darrell watched the endless parade of happy customers who came in day by day, week after week and year in and year out. Darrel is a Music Composer by trade or profession so he has always had that creative passion. Like many of you reading this, Darrell had his time of “thinking it over”. And then, one day he just took a decision.
Darrell puts it like this: “I’m very excited about opening up my own studio. A lot of opportunities, a lot of challenges, a lot of things for me to learn. I look at Home Video Studio as a way for me to be of service to people in my community so I can’t wait to begin.”
Darrel opens his Home Video Studio in about two weeks. He will be attending his first Advanced Training in about three weeks! Timing is everything. Congratulations Darrell!
What about you? What are you waiting for? Call me. Let’s discuss your studio ownership: 866-714-1956 or 317-358-5932.
May the Force be with you!
Robert Hanley