Monday, February 2, 2015

Join us! Saturday, February 7, 2015 and learn how you can run your own profitable video production business from your home.

We’ve got another exciting and life-changing Home Video Studio Show ‘N Tell Saturday coming up this week! Join us on Saturday, February 7, 2015 and learn how you can run your own profitable video production business from your home.

My studio made over $19,000.00 in January - and I was personally in the studio only three weeks of the month! Join us at Show ‘N Tell Saturday and I will tell and show you how I did it and how you can do the same thing! I’ll show you how your new studio will make tons of money and much more.

Here’s what we’ll cover this Saturday:

  • ·      The 27 Profit Centers including our newest service – transfer to the DVA and the Digital Video Archive Cloud.
  • ·      An overview of the HVS training.  We have a huge training event coming up in early March. You can attend.
  • ·      The three equipment packages – What gear do you need in your new studio?
  • ·      The five essential secrets of the HVS system – What they are and how they can work for you.
  • ·      Financing (if you need it)
  • ·      Financial goals and expectations.
  • ·      What’s it like to run your studio on a daily basis?

It costs nothing to attend Show ‘N Tell Saturday. In fact, we will pay all of your travel costs (i.e. your airfare, mileage, hotel, car rental, meals, etc. should you decide to join Home Video Studio this Saturday).  We don’t care what the plane ticket costs and you shouldn’t either.

It’s Monday as I write this, and I want to ask you a couple of questions: What did you think about as you got out of bed and got ready for work this Monday morning? What were you thinking about on your drive to work? If you’re like most people you were thinking about your family, your kids, that vacation you want to take and, in general, all the things you would do if you weren’t working.

Are you tired of building someone else’s dream? Spend the weekend of February 6th and 7th with me and I guarantee it will change your life. You’ll never have to make that drive to work again. I can show you how to have a great lifestyle and a great business.

Here’s another fact: In less than seven days you could own your own video studio. I guarantee that you will jump out of bed every day after that! You will love working in your own studio and enjoying the Home Video Studio Lifestyle. 

Dan Weiniger and his daughter in studio.

What is the HVS Lifestyle?

  • ·      Family flexible - Full time hours are 9:30 am to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Monday trough Friday.
  • ·      Work when you want to work. Play when you want to play.
  • ·      Never miss your child’s soccer game or cheerleading event.
  • ·      Take the kind of vacations you want, when you want to take them.
  • ·      Build your dream and a legacy for your family!

My motto is: “work hard, play hard.” Yep, you’ll do well in this business but first you have to get here! Jump on a plane or jump in your car and come to Indianapolis, Indiana for Show ‘N Tell on Saturday, February 7th.

The first step is to call me to discuss your interest. I know you will have questions. You’ve got that one question that is burning a hole in your pocket right now so call me.

Call me today and we can chat: 317-358-5932 or 866-714-1956.

May the force be with you...

P.S. Oh… by the way, did I tell you that we have many traditions at HVS? Eating is one of them and you are invited to our Pre-SNT dinner on Friday night at 8:00 pm. It’s our treat! Let ‘s get to know each other. Join us for dinner as well on Friday, February 6th at 8:00 pm.

Robert Hanley
CEO and Founder
Home Video Studio

Miguel Salas of Jacksonville, Fl